Hi friends! Forwarding this from Tkolar/ralokt
ANNOUNCEMENT- Minesweeper World Championship 2025Hi and I are happy to announce that were organizing the Minesweeper World Championship 2025 as an in person event in Madrid! We’re trying to make this event as big as possible- that means multiple other tournaments(and possibly other less competitive activities) besides the championship proper, all over the course of a weekend. Our goal is to not just have a competition, but also create a space for sweepers from all over the world to meet and hang out together. To outright call it a convention is ambitious at this point, but ideally, we’d like to end up with something deserving of the name.Besides the World Championship proper, that will take place on Scoreganizer, we’re also planning: the first in-person chord cup, taking place on mnsw.pro a special event on Minesweeper.Online That said- nothing is 100% confirmed yet, especially the more ambitious plans. But we’re at a point where we have informal confirmation from the venue, and could use feedback from the community to submit a formal proposal.And we do have a likely weekend already! This is still subject to change, but unless the venue isn’t available then or there is a significantly negative community response to the date, the Minesweeper World Championship 2025 will take place on the weekend from the 26th to the 28th of September 2025- exactly 10 years after the last World Championship in 2015!So mark your calendars, save up your vacation days, get the process of getting a visa going, and most importantly, if you intend to come, think you might come, or would like to come but can’t- let us know via this form here:https://forms.gle/u3DQKSnrQL4PFjnF7
We will use the data we collect via this form to gauge interest(or, in the last case, to try to remove barriers to attendance). The venue wants to know how many players we’re expecting, and of course, the higher the player counts are, the better for e.g. attracting potential sponsors- so, if you want to support this event, this is by far the best(or at least, the most efficient) way to do so.We’re also still thinking about how to make it easy for players to attend. We can’t promise anything yet, but we will try to at minimum support top players who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend for financial reasons- we already have a few ideas, and suggestions are welcome!In general, as you can probably tell, planning is far from complete. So, besides suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to contribute in some other way, or if you just have questions.We hope to meet as many of you as possible irl in a bit over a year!Happy Sweeping,RmwCby and ralokttl;dr: WCH and community get-together in Madrid, most likely 26th-28th of September 2025, confirmation pending, if interested, please fill out this form so we can show the venue/sponsors:https://forms.gle/u3DQKSnrQL4PFjnF7P.S. The world championship will be in over a year. But if you're aching for a tournament in the near future- keep your eyes peeled for info on the upcoming chord cup!
Please contact me on QQ for any questions or here :)