不行就重新下个阿比特,别放在C盘里,解压后把文件夹里的"ms_arbiter.exe"创个快捷方式到桌面或者直接固定到任务栏。 打开阿比特按F5进入设置界面,看不懂就选左边第五个换成中文。然后点“玩家设置”,第一行身份标识改成“Chen Xin Hua”(直接参考你直接过审录像下面名字也行) 然后点设置倒数第三行的【Counters】,如果你下了新的阿比特,应该会有默认的计数器,要是嫌不好用,直接把下面灰色底里面的代码内容全删了,把这段复制进去就行: ; this is default counter template for Minesweeper Arbiter 0.49.3 ; format is easy: ; * left part of line before "|" is the indicator caption ; * right part is a single ; * if line is started with "#" then the formula part ; would be added like text to the formula part of ; previous indicator ; * if line is started with "@" then the formula part ; would be added like a formula result to the formula part of ; previous indicator ; * you can write up to 50 formulas. no sense to flood cpu more ; * empty lines ignored ; * lines that start with ";" are ignored ; * lines that have wrong syntax are ignored too ; ---------- ; *** header of template file *** ; author: Dmitriy ; template name: "default template" ; language: English ; version: 0.06 ; ; *** begin of templates *** ; ;;; time ; Time | TIME ; realtime and +1 which are settings-independent: ;Score | TIMERECORDERSTYLE ;;; estimate ;Est |TIMEEST ; settings-independent versions: ;Est Score |TIMEESTRECORDERSTYLE ;;; board difficulty measures and correspoding speed ; 3bv and Done 3bv in one indicator ; 3bvs rt/est| TIMEREAL #|/ @|TIMEEST #|s~ 3bv|BBBVDONE #|/ @|BBBV #|= @|BBBVDONE / BBBV*100 #|% bvs|BBBVDONE/TIMEREAL{3} #|~ qg/rqp| TIMEEST^1.7 / BBBV{3} #|/ @| TIMEEST*( TIMEEST+1) / BBBV{3) stnb/est| (73.5*(mode^2)-94.5*mode+57)/((TIMEESTREAL^1.7)/BBBV/((BBBVDONE/BBBV)^0.5)){2} #|/ @|(73.5*(mode^2)-94.5*mode+57)/((TIMEESTREAL^1.7)/BBBV) Ops&Isls|OPENINGSDONE #|/ @|OPENINGS #|& @|ISLANDS zini|GZINI #|@ @|GZINI/TIMEESTREAL hzini|HZINI #|@ @|HZINI/TIMEESTREAL ;;; clicks l/r[fl]/d|LCLK #|/ @|RCLK #|[ @|FLAGSUSED #|]/ @|DCLK cl/cls|TOTALCLK #|@ @|TOTALCLK/TIMEREAL{3} ce/ces|TOTALEFF-MISFLAGS-UNFLAGS-MISUNFLAGS #|@ @|(TOTALEFF-MISFLAGS-UNFLAGS-MISUNFLAGS)/TIMEREAL{3} ;;; efficiency measures path/mov|PATH #|/ @|PATH/16/TIMEREAL{2} sao|PATH/TIMEREAL/16*TOTALEFF/TIMEREAL{2} corr*thrp|(TOTALEFF-MISFLAGS-UNFLAGS-MISUNFLAGS)/TOTALCLK*100 #|%* @|BBBVDONE/(TOTALEFF-MISFLAGS-UNFLAGS-MISUNFLAGS){3} ioe/iome|BBBVDONE/TOTALCLK{3} #|/ @|BBBVDONE*16/PATH{3} ; ZiNi efficiency ;;; path ;;; magic indices ; they're supposed to measure quality of the game ;;; ranks of current game ; number of game of this mode ranks|RANKTIME #|/ @|RANKBBBVS #|/ @|RANKRQP games/rpi|TOTALGAMES #|/ @|RPI #|% ; *** end of template file *** ;**************************************